Some Quick Maintenance Updates

 “There’s birth, there’s death, but in between there’s Maintenance” – Tim Robbins So we have had a bit of a break of visiting the property as we have has some excellent long-term guests that have been enjoying the property. Although that means that Christy and I don’t have the opportunity to spend full weeks there,Continue reading ” Some Quick Maintenance Updates”

Celebrating America “from sea to shining sea”

“We celebrate our nation’s freedom and honor the men and women dedicated to preserving it…” – Adam and Christy So here we are, celebrating ANOTHER birthday, the birth of our great nation! This year Christy and I invited several friends and family to join us at Searenity Sands to usher in the 4th, with lotsContinue reading “Celebrating America “from sea to shining sea””

An Invitation From Our Friends

Longtime friends, are family that we choose… – Patrick Regan So how about this: Our dear friends Melissa and Cliff asked to rent Searenity Sands for a few days mid January, and of course….we were happy to! After all, they are no strangers to the condo, and have been there several times. But here’s theContinue reading “An Invitation From Our Friends”

A Visit from Dallas Family

“The greatest legacy we can leave our children is a lifetime of happy memories at the beach” This weekend we hosted family from Dallas Texas. My brother, his wife and son Aaron. Family arrived Thursday night to TIA about 10pm (it was a quick ride from the airport to to the beach (about 30 minutesContinue reading “A Visit from Dallas Family”

Our First Weekend

“You have family, and you have friends, and you also have friends that become family…” This weekend we got started with much of the transformation from becoming owners, to getting all of the pieces of our Searenity Sands experience into place. We moved in on Thursday the 8th after Max’s evening baseball game to getContinue reading “Our First Weekend”