Birthday wishes and a cake to the face!

“A cake in hand is worth two in the sand… or something like that… “ – Adam Trainor

This week, Christy and I headed down to our little slice of heaven to celebrate her sister’s 44th birthday. We were able to get in a couple days early and work from the condo. Although it is really tough to see everyone enjoying the beach while I’m taking Zoom calls from the kitchen table. However, It is always a fun time with Christy’s family and having all the kids around. On Friday, her brother David and wife Chelle came down with their son Carter who was in rare form (as usual). He was TOTALLY into the birthday celebration (especially the cake). As we sang happy birthday to Kat, Carter was so excited that when the candles were blown out and removed – he could not wait, and actually face planted his face right into the center of the cake and started to “nom nom nom” on the sugary deliciousness! It was a hilarious sight and we all have a forever memory of this day (and a few great pictures to boot). While we were there David invested in a 12′ inflatable round raft (and anchor) which we blew up and took to the beach and promptly placed it at the sand bar out near the “swim zone” buoy. It was a wonderful and fun floaty for the kids to jump around on and for us adults to take a swim out to and get some alone time to lay and bask in the gorgeous sun! As the birthday weekend continued into the night, we found ourselves getting hungry. We all walked down the street looking for a bite – The ladies decided to grab some carry out pizzas from Slyce for all of us, while the men took a quick trip to JD’s for a quick cocktail and to listen to the band (We were only there 20 minutes…I swear!).

Sunday was another notable day on the beach grabbing sun and watching Carter and Max shoot whirly birds into the air and watching them float back to the ground gently in the breeze. As always, Sunday has come too soon. Christy and I packed up in the early afternoon and took our our entourage back to Tampa to get back to work….longing for another day at Indian Rocks Beach and our home at Searenity Sands.